James B. Arthur House, Fort Collins, Colorado 1882


This is a history blog featuring information about the Arthur mansion in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Sigma Chi's Buy a House

Rocky Mountain Collegian April, 1920.

…The deal which resulted in the purchase of the Arthur house on the corner of Peterson street and East Mulberry, began a good many days ago, but owing to the fact that the property was an estate there was no chance for much action since one of the trustees was in Texas.

The house is a very large and roomy brick structure and has a neat appearance. It will easily allow for a large increase in numbers in the coming years without crowding. Ample sleeping quarters are provided in the third story where the carpenters have finished, leaving a very attractive and spacious sleeping room. This room is almost as large as the horizontal dimensions of the house. …

Collegian article, "Sigma Chis Buy a House" 1920
James Arthur
World's Fair Medal and Certificate awarded to Rocky Mtn Stucco Co

President James B. Arthur of the Rocky Mountain Stucco and Manufacturing company, is in receipt of an elegantly embossed bronze medal accompanied by an elaborately engraved certificate, being the World’s Fair medal and certificate awarded his company for the excellence of its product and the enterprise shown in developing a new and important industry at Red Buttes, Wyoming. It is one of the three medals awarded to Wyoming, and , naturally enough, Mr. Arthur feels very proud of it. The fame of the excellence of the products of the Rocky Mountain Stucco and Manufacturing Co. is extending to all parts of the country and the demand for its plaster of Paris and cement is daily on the increase.

James Arthur